Dr. Manal Al Mansoori - Physician and Animal Welfare Advocate

Dr. Manal Al Mansoori is a doctor and animal rights advocate from the UAE. She specializes in cosmetic care and has garnered international acclaim owing to her work as a physician as well as her advocacy for a more compassionate world for all living beings.

A vegan and a passionate advocate for animal rights, Dr. Manal is the founder of Yanni Animal Welfare, Dubai’s first animal welfare association. Her commitment towards animal welfare is guided by the saying of our Prophet (SAW); “There is a reward for serving any living soul” (Bukhari, 2466).

Owing to her commitment to the vegan lifestyle, she is establishing a dedicated vegan department at Yanni Animal Welfare which shall extend compassionate care to animals beyond cats and dogs, such as goats, cows, and chickens.

See here for an in-depth interview with Dr. Manal Al Mansoori and learn more about her inspiring life.


Talha Taskinsoy - The Vegan Imam